I'm going to add another thought here about the cause of anxiety. Noise. I live with depression and anxiety every day and I often find myself becoming overwhelmed with the noise of life in general. That's why I live in a tiny housebus in a tiny village, I'm desperately trying to get some quiet.

At the same time, I have to balance it out as too much quiet leads to Depression for me and I will do everything in my power to not go down that road again.

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Thanks for chiming in, Fiona!

I appreciate you sharing your perspective and experience. I see noise as more of a trigger than a cause. The root causes of depression and anxiety are often internal, but external factors like noise can certainly provoke these feelings.

The way we react to these triggers depends on our individual interpretations and sensitivities. Your approach of seeking quiet while balancing it to avoid depression is a thoughtful strategy. It’s important to find what works best for you in managing these challenges.

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May 22Liked by Fran Christy

I can relate to this. I have spent couple of months in this situation. Very well written ..

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Thanks for the feedback and the restack! ☺️

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